Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Characters

Hello Dearies!
I finally got everything nice and organized! Here are the characters of my new film! The top image was the first concept I ever drew of them. Designing characters is a tough and rigorous process. You must go through sketch after sketch after sketch. Nothing looks right the very first time. Or at least for me, hehe. Here's some process for the hero of our story, Kathryn and also our villian, the tailor.
Exploring Kathryn's Design
Some hair choices, I liked #5 (first one on second row) but it was too similar to the Tailor (pointy and edgy looking) they wanted her more round and heart shaped.

Exploring Taylor the Tailor's Design

Costume Design for Kathryn.

Costume Design for the Tailor, he dresses like such a gentleman!

Finalizing the dress design for our heroine!

Final Design for Kathryn

Final Design for the Tailor

Now, for these two at least, I had a set vision for what I wanted them to look like. But most of the time, I'll go even farther with concept sketches. I loved doing costume research for them though! BLISS.

1 comment:

  1. Let me just say, your art is stunning. I love your style. I think tale of the tailor looks amazing. And I VERY sincerely hope that your animated version of the nutcracker gets made because it looks darn near perfect to me.
